A woman was with her boyfriend in her bedroom

A woman was with her boyfriend in her bedroom when she heard her husband coming up the front door.

In a panic she told her boyfriend “Hurry, stand in the corner and do not move until I tell you to.
Just shut your eyes and pretend you’re a statue.”
“What’s this, honey?” Her husband asked walking into the room.
“Oh, it’s just a statue,” she replied nonchalantly.

“Our neighbours bought one for their bedroom.
I liked it so much, I got one for us too.”

They went to sleep and then around four o’clock in the morning the husband got out of bed …
went to the kitchen and came back with a sandwich and a glass of milk.
“Here,” he said to the statue, “eat something.
I stood like an idiot at the neighbours’ for 2 days and nobody offered me so much as even a glass of water.

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