Rich Family Tries to Take Me & My Brother from Our Poor Widowed Dad — Years Later, I Ruin Their Reputation at a Wedding

After his mother died, a young man saw his wealthy relatives humiliate his father. They also tried to take him and his brother away from their dad but failed miserably. A decade later, he finally found the opportunity to take revenge on his maternal family.

On March 11, 2019, an anonymous male poster turned to Reddit’s “Pro Revenge” forum, where he penned a detailed post sharing his childhood experiences and how he lost his mother. He revealed he had a younger brother who went through the same trauma. The man’s maternal relatives used their wealth and power to harm his family. However, things took a different turn when life allowed him to fix the mess they had created.

Before revealing his story, the Reddit user explained how his parents came from two entirely different families. His father was a hardworking man who had worked all his life to earn a living and put food on the table. In contrast, his mother belonged to one of the wealthiest families in his city.

Why Did OP’s Maternal Family Dislike His Father?
The original poster’s mother’s side of the family had strong connections with the mayor, lawyers, and people in business. Everyone in the city respected them. When his mom fell in love with his father, her side of the family wasn’t happy. They disliked his dad because he wasn’t as rich and considered him a “disgrace” to the family.

The man and his younger brother had a great childhood until their mother was diagnosed with cancer. They saw their father taking care of her alone in the absence of their maternal aunt and grandmother.

They attended the wedding and then waited for the afterparty to execute their plan.
Their mother suffered for three years before her death. He remembered crying like a baby with his little brother when their mom died. The boys felt their world had turned upside down and were crippled by their irreparable loss.

The man also remembered how his father was devastated after losing his soulmate. A few hours after his mom’s death, his dad received a call and instantly met with his aunt, his mother’s sister.He recalled the meeting in these words:

“My aunt, with a lawyer on her side, started attacking my dad, telling him that now that his wife was dead, he was incapable of having custody of the kids (me and my brother) and that they should take care of us.”

When his father refused, the family harassed him even more. They did this for years until one day, they gave up and accused the father of assaulting his late wife’s sister, the children’s maternal aunt. Everyone in the family turned their backs on the widowed man.

They even tried to snatch the poster and his brother’s inheritance money and got away with some of it because of a law in their country. His father was devastated, knowing he couldn’t do much about it.

The man and his brother often found their father banging his head on the table and crying with papers piled in front of him. They felt terrible for him but couldn’t do anything at the time. He believed the only thing that kept his father going was him and his brother. He admitted that despite enduring a difficult life, his father ensured they had everything they needed.

After a decade, his maternal family finally quit abusing his father. At this point, they were living a peaceful life and had no contact with their aunt and grandmother until they received a wedding invite. The man recalled:

“You see this summer my cousin got married. They invited us to the wedding. When I say us I mean my brother and I. So we accepted and started crafting the plan.”

The man was furious after hearing the lies about his father and immediately grabbed everyone’s attention by narrating the truth: “I raise my glass, I look my aunt in the eyes and inside the whole group of the most wealthy, important and prestigious people of my city I say ‘Actually…’ I unleashed the whole story, all while praising my dad and damning my aunt and my grandmother.”

No one said a word after he finished speaking. His aunt was fuming with anger, while his grandmother was about to cry from the humiliation. Everyone looked at them furiously while he broke the silence, saying, “At least we came out fine. Our studies are going excellent, all thanks to our dad.”

The brothers returned home and told the story to their father, who was over the moon after hearing it. They later discovered that all the guests turned their backs on their maternal family. The mayor and other influential people severed ties with them.

The man also revealed that his grandmother and aunt had to shut down their business because no one was willing to fund it. They also tried to reconcile with him and his family, but they refused. Ten years later, he finally got the chance to fix the mess his grandma and aunt had created and seek revenge for how they turned his dad’s life into hell.

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