6 Everyday Habits Your Teeth Will Thank You for Adopting

Not everyone realizes how big of a part your mouth plays in maintaining your overall health, as it’s capable of notifying you about possible issues.

That’s because the mouth is connected to the respiratory and digestive tract, which means that many germs can enter through your mouth and be transferred to the rest of your body.

That’s why it’s so important to keep your mouth clean throughout the day and pay attention to the little things too.

1. Don’t brush too hard.

Every person’s gums should be pink and firm if they are in 100% healthy condition.

However, some people experience swollen gums that often bleed or, even worse, start receding. If your gums are receding, you will be able to notice it, since your teeth will appear to be longer than usual.

One main reason for this may be the fact that you are brushing too hard and with a hard-bristled toothbrush.

The recommendation from dentists is for people to brush their teeth with a soft-bristled toothbrush in circular movements. They shouldn’t apply too much pressure in order to protect their teeth from wear.

2. Remember to brush your tongue.

Skipping on brushing your tongue can mean that all the bacteria that gather on it will have the opportunity to multiply.

In this case, you might start experiencing bad breath, an inability to taste foods, gum disease, and even yeast infections.

That’s why it’s vital to start using a tongue scraper, since it’s much more convenient for your tongue than a regular toothbrush.

If you do use a toothbrush, you need to rinse your mouth with warm water first.

Start from the back of the tongue and be very gentle, making sure not to touch your gums or teeth. After you’ve finished, you need to rinse once again to get rid of any loose bacteria.

3. Use mouthwash and pass on smelly foods.

Eating foods like garlic, onions, and spices on a nearly daily basis can be responsible for continuous bad breath.

But the most common reason for the problem is poor dental hygiene, with food remnants staying in your mouth.

These remnants will rot inside your mouth and create an unpleasant odor. Not only that, but many bacteria stay on the tongue and produce smelly sulfur compounds.

This is where mouthwash comes into play, as it helps get rid of bacteria and offers a sense of fresh breath. If the mouthwash contains fluoride, then it can also help with periodontal disease and even reduce cavities.

4. Use the right products if your teeth are sensitive.

If drinking cold water and eating hot soup is torture for you, you might need to visit a dentist. That’s because sensitivity appears when the tooth enamel has worn down, making the roots of your teeth exposed.

The dentist will be able to tell you which toothpastes are best for sensitivity so that you won’t use anything that makes things even worse.

Also, they might apply fluoride to the most sensitive areas in order to make the enamel stronger and relieve the pain.

What you can do at home is use a soft-bristled toothbrush and follow your oral hygiene routine down to the last detail. You might also want to stay away from acidic food that has the ability to wear down your tooth enamel.

5. Get your teeth cleaned yearly.

An additional problem poor dental hygiene can create is the discoloration of your teeth. If you don’t brush them as often as needed, bacteria, acid, and plaque build up more easily and find a home in your mouth.

It’s the plaque and tartar that create that yellow coating on the outside of your teeth, making them unpleasant to look at.

So, apart from brushing your teeth twice a day, you also need to visit your dentist once a year for a check-up and also a cleaning.

During this process, the dentist will be able to remove tartar and plaque from those hard-to-reach areas.

They will also floss your teeth with their own special tools and then polish them. This last step will make your teeth shiny again and get rid of that yellowish hue.

6. Visit your dentist if you notice anything unusual.

On some occasions, people notice sores at the corners of their mouths that are quite painful. While you might think that it’s the cold weather causing them, it’s actually due to bacterial infections.

The reasons for this might be certain nutritional deficiencies, excess saliva, or a lip-picking habit.

The first thing you should do is visit your doctor and ask for solutions that will treat the issue and offer you relief.

You might also need to run some blood tests to see if you have any deficiencies that could be causing the issue.

There are 3 possible reasons for the unpleasant metallic taste you might be experiencing, one of them being a medication you might be taking.

Antihistamines, antibiotics, and heart medications can often cause this metallic taste in your mouth.

Also, it might be a direct symptom of gum disease, which will require a visit to the dentist and a complete change of your dental hygiene routine.

The third reason is the possibility of having a zinc deficiency, which is more possible if you are vegan or vegetarian. Legumes, wheat germ, pumpkin seeds, and milk products can help with that.

But if you don’t want to consume any of these things, you might need to ask your doctor about taking zinc supplements.

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