Willie Nelson’s Son Sings ‘Always on My Mind’ and Holy Cow… He Sounds Like His Dad

Willie Nelson’s son Lukas plays in the rock and roll group Lukas Nelson and Promise of the Real, which is now on the road across the nation. They recently entertained a small group of fans at a nearby modest location.

The fans asked Nelson to sing certain songs, and he would comply. He was then asked to perform the hit song “Always on My Mind” by his father by a patron. Lukas agreed to take on the task.

Lukas begins the song as soon as the music begins, sounding a lot like his father. His followers were in awe as his country voice reverberated around the arena.

While the backup band and pianist performed admirably, Lukas was the real star of the show. To our surprise, the composition was elevated by a brief, melancholic trumpet solo that broke the gloomy atmosphere.

The audience erupted in cheers when Nelson started to whistle at the appropriate point in the song. Everyone witnessing this fantastic performance has a smile on their face.

Even though Willie Nelson published the original version of this song more than 35 years ago, fans of western and country music still adore it. It’s evident that Willie has given his son his musical talents, and Lukas will rise to fame on his own without having to follow in his father’s footsteps.

If you are a fan of this video and of Willie Nelson’s son, Lukas Nelson, and his band “Lukas Nelson & Promise of the Real”, then share it with your friends so they can experience the next generation Nelson performing a hit made famous by his father. Like what you heard?

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