Always turn off Wi-Fi and Bluetooth on your smartphone when you are sleeping. Here’s why!

Do you pay attention on the Wi-Fi or Bluetooth settings before you to sleep?

Do you turn them off, or you leave them on?

I really think that nobody turns off their Wi-Fi before they go to sleep.

But, if you’re leaving your Wi-Fi setting on, then you are definitely wrong.

According to many experts around the world, this function should be turned off while you sleep.

And now you probably ask yourself – why? Well, because you waste your battery life for nothing and you decrease it at the same time. It is very simple.

You do not need this function to be active, because you won’t use your smartphone while you sleep, right?

Yes, we all know that Wi-Fi is awesome, fast and very useful.

But, many experts around the world have examined this and they all say that it can be bad for us. The Wi-Fi has been around us, since 1997.

And, since then, many different studies were researching this “problem”.

And they’ve found that Wi-Fi can affect our health in general, especially in children.

Note: in 2008 the well-renowned publication Scientific American ran a piece called “Mind Control by Cell Phone” which explained the danger Wi-Fi has on the human brain

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